The Japanese and Australian defense and foreign ministers meet the press in Sydney on Oct. 10.
The Nikkei View

Japan needs more 'quasi-allies'

Deeper ties with Australia and Southeast Asia can help keep China and North Korea in check

16 October 2018
Foreign tourists rest at an evacuation shelter in Sapporo after the northern main island of Hokkaido was hit by a strong earthquake in September. (Photo by Maho Obata) 
The Nikkei View

Japan must improve its disaster services for foreigners

Emergency information needs to address the specific needs of tourists

9 October 2018
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and U.S. President Donald Trump at their meeting in New York on Sep. 26
The Nikkei View

Japan, US must not miss this chance for constructive trade talks

Abe cannot allow Trump to use tariff threats as a policy tool

2 October 2018
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe speaks to the press in Tokyo  after being re-elected president of the Liberal Democratic Party on Sept. 20. (Reuters)
The Nikkei View

Abe, fulfill your obligations to future generations

Japanese leader must dedicate his third term to tackling social security and fiscal reform

25 September 2018
Much has improved since Lehman Brothers collapsed in 2008, but the global economy still faces many threats.
The Nikkei View

No time for complacency 10 years after the crash

Despite the global recovery, new threats loom

18 September 2018
Most Rohingya refugees remain in camps, such as this one in Cox's Bazar, Bangladesh, out of fear of being persecuted if they return to Myanmar. (Reuters)
The Nikkei View

Myanmar, the Rohingya crisis has lasted too long

The government must give refugees reasons to feel safe to return

11 September 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump's push for dialogue with Pyongyang is laudable, but he will need to work with Beijing if he wants to yield tangible results.
The Nikkei View

Trump must not let the North Korea denuclearization talks stall

Trade war or not, cooperation with China is crucial to spur change in Pyongyang

4 September 2018
Cargo is transferred at the northeastern Chinese port of Qingdao in April. Dialogue is crucial to reining in a trade war that threatens to inflict damage worldwide.
The Nikkei View

The US and China must keep talking

The global economy cannot afford the risk of a crippling trade war

28 August 2018
Charisma helped Imran Khan win Pakistan's election, but will it help the new prime minister confront the country's stark political and economic realities? (Reuters)
The Nikkei View

Towering hurdles for Pakistan's new government

Massive debt, IMF pressure and diplomatic tightropes threaten Imran Khan's populist pledges

22 August 2018
The BOJ's decision to keep the easy money flowing carries risks that need to be carefully monitored. 
The Nikkei View

A more complex BOJ policy calls for more dialogue with the markets

Japan's central bank must be vigilant about side effects of prolonged easing

8 August 2018
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen prepares to cast his vote on July 29. Monitors from Japan, the U.S. and the European Union were notably absent from the general election. (Reuters)
The Nikkei View

Cambodian election gives democracy a bad name

By holding a vote without the main opposition, Hun Sen shows his autocratic colors

1 August 2018
Newly manufactured cars in the northeastern port of Dalian: If the Chinese economy falters, the world will feel it. (Reuters)
The Nikkei View

Respect the global economic rules, China

Beijing has been woefully slow to make good on its pledge to open its markets

24 July 2018
Japan will scrap tariffs on 94% of goods from the EU, broadening the market for European wine and other key exports.
The Nikkei View

Japan and EU: New leaders on global trade

Economic partnership pact will help fill void as US turns inward

18 July 2018
Will U.S. President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, continue to chose escalation over dialogue?
The Nikkei View

The US and China must stop their dangerous game of trade chicken

With the global economy at stake, it is time to ease tensions through dialogue

10 July 2018
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi speaks at the annual meeting of the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank on June 26. The AIIB has provided more funds to India than any other country.
The Nikkei View

So far, so good for the AIIB

The China-led infrastructure bank is carving out a growing global presence

3 July 2018
Shipping containers are loaded onto a Chinese vessel in Long Beach, California, in April. Will the countries allow their tariff spat to develop into a full-blown trade war?  
The Nikkei View

US-China trade feud threatens the global economy

Dialogue, not rash punitive actions, would benefit everyone

19 June 2018
Trump, right, must ensure that Kim does not lead him away from the goal of complete, verifiable and irreversible denuclearization.
The Nikkei View

Trump and Kim offer just a glimpse into promised 'new history'

US must tread carefully to avoid giving up too much for too little

13 June 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump isolated himself at the G-7 meeting in Charlevoix, Canada. (Getty Images)
The Nikkei View

Trump's G-7 antics threaten the global order

A breakup of the key democratic allies could allow China and Russia to fill the void

12 June 2018
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, seen here inspecting a construction site, will finally be in the same room as the U.S. president, but will they be on the same page? (KCNA/Reuters)
The Nikkei View

Let North Korea's denuclearization begin in Singapore

Trump-Kim summit must cement plans for removing Pyongyang's weapons

6 June 2018
Chinese and Japanese officials meet for high-level economic talks in Tokyo on April 16. (Pool/AP)

When Japan and China are communicating, everyone benefits

Regular talks between the economic giants promotes global stability

17 April 2018
Former South Korean President Park Geun-hye sits near her longtime friend Choi Soon-sil for her trial at the Seoul Central District Court in Seoul on May 23, 2017.
The Nikkei View

Moon must honor his pledge to promote South Korean unity

With the North Korea summit approaching, now is not the time for political divisions

11 April 2018
North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, left, meets Chinese President Xi Jinping in Beijing in late March.
The Nikkei View

China must maintain maximum pressure on North Korea over nuclear program

Beijing is key to ensuring Pyongyang makes good on its denuclearization promises

3 April 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump holds up a signed presidential memorandum aimed at what he calls Chinese economic aggression at the White House on March 22.
The Nikkei View

Trump's flawed trade policy threatens the global economy

International effort needed to convince Washington to rethink its approach

27 March 2018
Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks with supporters at his campaign headquarters in Moscow on March 18.
The Nikkei View

Putin's re-election a bad sign for Russia-Western relations

Strongman president prepares for fourth term emboldened by victory

22 March 2018
Chinese President Xi Jinping votes on an amendment to scrap presidential term limits in Beijing on March 11.
The Nikkei View

The possibility of a president-for-life Xi bodes ill for China

Scrapping term limits moves the country a step closer to strongman rule

13 March 2018