Special Reports

Myanmar is flooding Asia with cheap meth

Myanmar's military regime and ethnic militias have ushered in an environment conducive for drug cartels to traffic methamphetamine. Concern is growing that the current conflict will worsen an already critical situation as consumption is surging, prices are plunging and meth is flowing into countries as far as Australia to the east and Saudi Arabia to the west.

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India pharma problems push U.S. to China for vital drugs

We examine India's pharma ecosystem where lax regulatory oversight, analog practices when things should be digitized, and data integrity issues have far-reaching consequences that include hundreds of children dying from contaminated cough syrups across the world, and shifting geopolitical dynamics in the global drug trade.

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Asia's Age of Hydropolitics

Most of Asia's major rivers originate in China, earning it the title of an “upstream superpower.” Concern over the weaponization of water, the responses of nations downstream, and climate change are stoking tensions as Asia's battles with water grow more intense. And the region's most disenfranchised are the hardest hit.

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Women's Wealth

Women in Asia now hold more combined wealth than any other region except North America, and the sum is growing faster than anywhere else in the world. This series explores the drivers of this wealth, the extraordinary progress women have made and the hurdles of systemic discrimination that remain.

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Feeding Asia

The world's most populous region by a massive margin, Asia is expected to grow by another 700 million in the next few decades. This series illustrates the human cost of food inflation and examines how Asia can feed more people, with fewer resources, in the decades to come.

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