Increased public engagement is key to pact's mission to deter China
Protest letter from Beijing to Kuala Lumpur points to cooperation on issue
Greater aid from democratic camp needed to force Moscow to negotiate
Data center-related power consumption is estimated to rise by 550 times by 2050
Strategic location is the latest flashpoint in the South China Sea
Companies must help solve environmental challenges they created in places like Malaysia
A total ban on coal development is needed to prevent further rise in use of the fossil fuel
Moody's upgrade offers optimism as IMF aid arrives, but structural challenges persist
Shin Nakayama shares his weekly reflections and recommendations
Support from Tokyo is helping to drive Indonesia's green energy goals
Taiwan, India and Japan offer lessons on community integrated innovation
Pyongyang has tried and trusted method for buying time to develop weapons
Modi's fiscal plan needs to be bolder to address structural challenges of the labor market
Representation of women in key positions is declining, exposing patriarchal norms
Authorities and operators must find ways to balance both priorities
Nation needs to end hybrid system that leaves room for power struggles
Tiny Pacific territory is Washington's 'rusty spear' in the Pacific power struggle
Beijing's backing of Cambodian infrastructure could alter regional balance of power