A trainee from Myanmar works at a factory in Osaka. (Photo by Ken Kobayashi)
The Nikkei View

To attract foreign workers, Japan must create a welcoming home

Fostering enough support personnel is an urgent task

10 April 2019
Akira Kiyota, CEO of JPX, and executives from other bourses at a March 28 press conference announcing their agreement to create a one-stop marketplace (Photo by Kei Higuchi)
The Nikkei View

Japan is a step closer to its all-in-one bourse dream

Time to fast-track efforts to create a globally competitive exchange

3 April 2019
Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha casts his ballot for the general election in Bangkok on March 24. (Photo by Kosaku Mimura)
The Nikkei View

For Thailand, the hard work begins after the election

The next government must strive to bridge social divides

27 March 2019
Chinese President Xi Jinping would do well to unlock the potential of the private sector. (Photo by Taro Yokosawa)
The Nikkei View

Don't ignore Xi's warning about black swans and gray rhinos

China's high-growth days are over; Stable growth must be the new priority

19 March 2019
U.S. President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, in Beijing in November 2017: The fate of the trade talks may depend on their willingness to compromise.
The Nikkei View

US, China must avoid a dangerous new cold war

Compromise by both sides -- and bigger changes from Beijing -- are key

12 March 2019
U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un at their summit in Hanoi on Feb. 28
The Nikkei View

There can be no US-North Korea deal without denuclearization

Sanctions work, but they require global cooperation

5 March 2019
Soldiers examine the site of a bomb attack in the Pulwama district of Indian-administered Kashmir on Feb. 14.
The Nikkei View

India and Pakistan must fight terrorism together

The path to lasting peace lies through cooperation, not military force

26 February 2019
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono, left, and his South Korean counterpart, Kang Kyung-wha, are pictured here at their meeting in Munich on Feb. 15. 
The Nikkei View

Japan and South Korea must end the cycle of distrust

Both governments need to prevent icy ties from hurting thriving private-sector exchanges

20 February 2019
Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha aims to stay in office after the country returns to civilian rule. (Photo by Kosaku Mimura)
The Nikkei View

Use the Thai vote to bridge social divides

Now is the chance to lay the foundations for a better nation

12 February 2019
Will U.S. President Donald Trump and his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping, be able to reach a compromise at their next summit?
The Nikkei View

It's time to fast-track a US-China trade deal

A protracted conflict could have dire global economic and geopolitical consequences

5 February 2019
Labor Minister Takumi Nemoto apologizes for the survey debacle. (Photo by Kei Higuchi)
The Nikkei View

Why Japan's faulty economic statistics are dangerous

The government must quickly clear up the matter to restore the public's trust

30 January 2019
Slowing car sales are just one of many emerging signs that China’s economy is faltering.
The Nikkei View

Stable Chinese growth requires open markets

Bold reforms, not the usual stimulus steps, are key to harnessing the power of SMEs

23 January 2019
Former Nissan Chairman Carlos Ghosn continues to maintain his innocence. (Photo by Maho Obata)
The Nikkei View

Prosecutors need convincing proof in Ghosn case

Nissan must acknowledge the heavy responsibility it bears

16 January 2019
Chinese President Xi Jinping, right, and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Beijing on Jan. 8.
The Nikkei View

US and China must not let the trade war prevent a nuclear-free North Korea

Japan needs to ensure that key players don't stray from the script

15 January 2019
A key item on Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's to-do list for 2019 is improving ties with China.
The Nikkei View

As a new year dawns, Japan must shed its old ways

Government and corporate reform is essential for survival in a fast-changing world

8 January 2019
U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis, right, opposed President Donald Trump’s decision to pull troops out of Syria.
The Nikkei View

International cooperation is dying -- and Japan could save it

Abe's close ties with the inward-looking US leader is Tokyo's trump card

25 December 2018
British Prime Minister Theresa May meets with European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker at the commission’s headquarters in Brussels on Dec. 11. (Reuters)
The Nikkei View

The UK must stop its Brexit bickering

Cool heads in Parliament are needed to avert a messy breakup with global repercussions

18 December 2018
The U.S. has called on Japan and other governments to ban the use of Huawei products.
The Nikkei View

Governments slam the door on China telecom goods

Japan needs more details from the US before jumping on the bandwagon

11 December 2018
U.S. President Donald Trump has opted to ease the pressure on China -- for now.
The Nikkei View

No cause for optimism on US-China trade talks

Both sides have merely delayed a solution to their problems

4 December 2018
Oversight at Nissan was made more difficult by the fact that Carlos Ghosn wielded so much power as its chairman. 
The Nikkei View

Greed drove Nissan's Ghosn into a trap

Despite his fall, the charismatic executive provided many valuable lessons in leadership

21 November 2018
Leaders pose for a photo at the APEC summit in Port Moresby on Nov. 18.
The Nikkei View

APEC discord reflects a global cooperation system in crisis

US-China standoff makes it harder to deal with financial crises and terrorism

20 November 2018
Vietnamese trainees work at a farm in Aichi Prefecture. (Photo by Koji Uema)
The Nikkei View

Opening Japan's doors wider to foreign workers is good, but a clearer plan is needed

Lawmakers should address ways to ensure stable lives and avoid social disruption

14 November 2018
Lee Choon-shik, who was forced to work for a Japanese company during World War II, speaks after the court’s ruling on Oct. 30.
The Nikkei View

War reparations ruling threatens foundations of Japan-South Korea ties

Tokyo must stick to its stance that the issue of payouts for Koreans who were forced to work has been settled

7 November 2018
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, left, and Chinese President Xi Jinping shake hands in Beijing on Oct. 26. (Photo by Konosuke Urata)
The Nikkei View

Japan and China should seek stable ties that can endure

Regular meetings of the top leaders are crucial to better communication

30 October 2018
Chinese shoppers have seen prices go up since the trade battle erupted.
The Nikkei View

Open your markets, China, for everyone's sake

Restrictions in the world's No. 2 economy are both unfair and destabilizing

23 October 2018