The distance of Japanese relocations is getting shorter, indicating that moves are not prompted by job transfers, but to change residence -- often for a bigger one.

Remote work lifts demand in Japan for bigger residences

Over half of relocations are to more spacious houses, prompted by COVID

7 September 2021
A recent survey of new orders reveals faster growth in demand from companies outside Japan big cities, compared with their urban counterparts.

COVID pushes Japan's non-metropolitan companies to digitize

Business outsourcing from rural to urban rises 80% in two years

31 August 2021
Rates of vaccination are on the rise in advanced nations but COVID-19 cases are also increasing. (Source photos by Reuters) 

COVID-19 casts shadow over US and European economic optimism

Delta variant shakes confidence despite progress on vaccinations

24 August 2021
The number of collective actions in the IT industry between 2016 and 2020 increased almost ninefold over the previous five years. (Source photo by Reuters)

Tech workers band together to push for workplace reforms

Cases of collective action rise nearly ninefold to 300 in 2016-2020

17 August 2021
In 2020, China topped the U.S. in AI for the first time in terms of citations in academic papers. (Nikkei montage)

China overtakes US in AI research

Jockeying for supremacy intensifies as two sides grapple with security issues

10 August 2021
The appreciating dollar poses risks to currencies issued by emerging economies that are having difficulty fighting off the resurgent coronavirus.

Who's in trouble, the US dollar or emerging economies?

Fed's upcoming moves and success against the virus will determine the answer

3 August 2021
Emerging countries such as India, Pakistan and Bangladesh are reinforcing their presence in the growing trend of cross-border remote work..

Cross-border online work increases 30% amid COVID-19 pandemic

600 million people potentially could do jobs remotely; Japan being left behind

27 July 2021
The imbalance in the availability of vaccines and supply shortages may worsen without international cooperation for smooth distribution. (Source photo by Reuters)

Supply imbalance leaves 150m doses of COVID vaccine unused

Makers scramble to meet demand; situation may worsen if booster shots needed

20 July 2021
Chinese companies are heavily invested in banana plantations in northern Myanmar, which began appearing around 2015, drastically altering the landscape.

Chinese companies corralling land around world

Acquisition of nearly 6.5m hectares over 10 years sets off alarms

13 July 2021
The growing number of young people switching jobs in midcareer may bring a new wind to Japan's rigid labor market.

Japan's COVID crunch spurs uptick in young job hoppers

Job turnover among 'second new graduates' is the highest in a decade

6 July 2021
Virtual meetings and other "new normal" practices have set the stage for an entrepreneurial heyday far from big cities.

Fast vaccinations and easy money spell boom times for entrepreneurs

As cubicle dwellers make their 'departures from big cities' opportunities follow

29 June 2021
Medium- and long-term structural factors such as investment curbs and rising demand in anticipation of decarbonization efforts are sending prices soaring.

Natural resources exposed to growing supply risk

High prices seen continuing over mid- to long-term

22 June 2021
Wages have fallen especially steeply in service sectors, such as the food and beverage industry, which hire many students.

COVID crisis drives Japan's students into corner

Steep fall in part-time jobs raises specter of more college dropouts

15 June 2021
As the global economy becomes more digital, workers need to hone their IT skills to keep up with their counterparts in other countries.

Japan falls behind as international job retraining race heats up

Scandinavian nations benefit from government-labor-management cooperation

8 June 2021
Changes in work styles caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have made it less important for companies to have offices in the city. Yokohama was the most popular destination for companies relocating from Tokyo.

Pandemic prompts companies to flee central Tokyo

Relocations skyrocket more than 20% in FY2020

1 June 2021
The rise of China as a major military power has caused Japan, South Korea and Taiwan to start looking to field new weapons. (Source photo by Reuters)

Military might and flashpoints shift from West to East

Asia now accounts for half of US overseas troop deployments

25 May 2021
Arguments in favor of reviving conventional competition are starting to be heard, especially in the U.S. and Europe. (Source photo by Reuters)

Success of dominant companies presents nations with dilemma

Oligopolies are destroying competition and with it, R&D and innovation

18 May 2021
Big Tech companies operating globally often have intellectual property and other assets located in countries with low corporate tax rates.

Big Tech tax burdens are just 60% of global average

Inequality and COVID spending spur rethink of how to grab bigger slice of corporate profit

11 May 2021
China is hoping to be able to produce 70% of the semiconductors it needs by 2025, as it tries to cut reliance on overseas manufacturers. (Source photo by Reuters) 

Structure of chip industry hinders supply chain recovery

Over-reliance on Asia has led some companies to repatriate production

4 May 2021
While prices of expensive condos in urban centers are rising, those of less pricey independent homes in outlying areas are falling as a result of weakened demand. 

Japan's K-shaped recovery emerges in home prices amid COVID crisis

Widely divergent markets reflect widening income disparities

27 April 2021
The currency market trend comes as the U.S. coronavirus vaccination drive progresses. (Source photo by Reuters)

Dollar remains overvalued against yen and other currencies

Difference with theoretical value sows seeds of market unrest

20 April 2021
SPAC, Cryptocurrency, and CLO booms rise warning stage all over the world.(Source photo by Reuters)

Investors rush into high-risk assets in easy credit environment

Vast liquidity released by central banks flowing into shadow banking sector

13 April 2021
China's global push for mutual recognition of its vaccine passports could give it an edge in the tourism sector and allow its executives a head start in dealmaking. (Source photo by Reuters) 

China emerges as big winner in vaccine outreach

Beijing parlays homegrown jabs to expand diplomatic and economic influence

5 April 2021
Japan has a total of around 18,000 EV charging stations -- about 60% of the number of gas stations -- but they are relatively scarce in rural areas. 

Japan trails Norway and France in EV charging stations per capita

As West ramps up investment for electric vehicles, Tokyo lets infrastructure slide

28 March 2021
Prices for goods traded by companies are on the rise, with prices in the U.S., France, Germany and Russia topping pre-pandemic levels. (Source photo by Reuters)

Recovery in China pushes up global wholesale prices

Tighter natural resource supplies stoke US inflation fears

21 March 2021