Corporate capital spending in Japan has not grown in tandem with higher earnings as businesses become more cautious about increasing fixed assets.

Weak capital investment saps Japan's economic growth

Top corporate spenders unchanged in 15 years in absence of new industry leaders

6 September 2022
Though beneficial to government balance sheets, the "inflation tax" could burden consumers with unmanageable price hikes.

Inflation tax hits $4.5tn in U.S., Europe amid global price hikes

Consumers may ultimately pay for less government debt through devalued currencies

30 August 2022
It is hard for investors to get HR details from companies, but they may want more in the future to gauge the impact of employee engagement on corporate value.

More Japanese companies reap benefits of human capital investment

Data shows link between HR spending and corporate performance

27 August 2022
People in some Western countries have become more receptive to Russian propaganda as their focus shifts from the war in Ukraine to daily struggles with inflation.

Russia gains ground in information war against Ukraine

Social media data shows Moscow winning more backers in Western countries

21 August 2022
Fertility rates continue to sag in Japan and South Korea even as many of their OECD peers have reversed 10-year declines.

Uptrend in birthrates among rich nations skips Japan, South Korea

80% of key OECD members reverse fertility drops as more couples share parenting

11 August 2022
Retail e-commerce surged 20% in Japan since 2019, but there is still room for growth in the country where consumers go shopping online less frequently than those in other countries.

Consumer e-commerce hits a brick wall in Japan

After growing 20% since 2019, online shopping has stalled as COVID curbs ease

30 July 2022
Young voters were the core supporters of the LDP when the reform-minded late Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was in power, but many of them are now seeking change elsewhere.

Japan LDP's big win belies falling popularity among young voters

Less than 40% of voters below 30 back the party, down 3.5 points from 2019

25 July 2022
Many Japanese companies have long pursued lean inventories, but COVID-triggered supply disruptions made it harder to replenish their stocks and boost output to meet a recent recovery in demand.

Lean inventory turns into liability for Japan Inc.

Bottlenecks in supply chains force companies to rethink their strategy

22 July 2022
Hong Kong's importance as a conduit for capital flowing into and out of China has increased, but its standing as an Asian financial center has declined. (Source photo by Reuters) 

Hong Kong is transformed from Asia's financial hub to Xi's 'wallet'

City attracts more Chinese money, professionals but foreign exodus continues

9 July 2022
Japan's aging population is demanding more long-term care, but hospitals remain beholden to their acute care wards and the financial incentives they offer. (Source photo by Kyodo)

The acute care dilemma at Japan's hospitals

1 in 3 beds meant for the critically ill fail to live up to expectations

2 July 2022
Japan's ruling LDP has seen its support base shift from younger to older voters ahead of key upper house elections on July 10.

Boon or bane? Japan's LDP boosts support among older voters

Ruling party struggles to win over more 20- and 30-somethings ahead of July election

26 June 2022
Major exchange-traded funds in the five sectors covered by FAANG 2.0 have outperformed the market by 17 percentage points since the Russian invasion of Ukraine in late February.

Global money ditches Big Tech for a new group of stocks

Fuel, aerospace, agriculture, nuclear and gold make up FAANG 2.0

24 June 2022
The rising cost of property maintenance in Japan is a new worry for many elderly homeowners.

Japan's elderly homeowners grapple with inflation and prejudice

Home repair costs rise 20% due to labor shortages and higher materials prices

16 June 2022
Demand for IT professionals continues to grow in Japan, but lower pay makes the sector less attractive to midcareer job hoppers.

Low IT pay stifles Japan's digital transformation

Companies slow to ditch seniority system, shift to skills-based hiring

12 June 2022
Tough COVID measures at home have accelerated the decline of Japan's presence in Southeast Asia.

Japan's economic clout wanes in Southeast Asia

China does 3 times more ASEAN trade, but Japan leads in accumulated investment

4 June 2022
The number of coronavirus infections fell in many regions in Japan this year after the introduction of a quasi-state of emergency, but some experts question its effectiveness. (Source photo by AP) 

Japan's COVID curbs on dining and gatherings yielded mixed results

Nearly 1 in 4 prefectures that adopted measures failed to stem spread of virus

28 May 2022
Outpatient visits to hospitals by children younger than 10 fell more than 20% in Japan in 2021 as parents feared economic repercussions.

COVID keeps kids in Japan away from doctors as families struggle

Children's medical visits fall 20% as parents opt not to skip work

15 May 2022
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Why Japanese workers remain dissatisfied with their jobs

Only 60% are passionate despite fewer working hours, more paid time off

12 May 2022
Floods and other natural disasters caused by climate change have led to the mass displacement of people in many parts of the world.

Climate refugees: The world's silent crisis

Number of people displaced by natural disasters could top 200m by 2050

2 May 2022
Japan is seeing a hot job market for workers over 40 as companies seek experienced individuals to drive growth in the post-pandemic era.

Middle-aged job-hopping booms in Japan

Number of career changes among workers over 40 doubles in five years

24 April 2022
Tokyo continues to receive a net inflow of people, but in 2021 more men moved out than moved in for the first time in 25 years.

Japan's big cities act as magnet for women but repellent for men

Tokyo sees its first net outflow of men in 25 years as telework takes hold

16 April 2022
Chinese markets have been hit by the "unprecedented” flight of foreign capital after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, according to the Institute of International Finance.

Foreign cash flees China as investors shun autocracies

Net outflows surge as Ukraine war spooks markets

10 April 2022
People's healthy lifespans may be cut short if physical deterioration and dementia are left untreated.

COVID fears raise Japan's dementia risks as seniors shun hospitals

Doctors warn avoiding treatment could cut healthy life expectancy

30 March 2022
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Over 20% of Japan's 'open dataset' contains unavailable info

Poor management and nervous officials hinder digitization drive

23 March 2022
The coronavirus pandemic has eased in the U.S., but the slow return of workers is overshadowing the economy's recovery. (Source photos by Reuters) 

U.S. return to work lags Japan, EU in wake of COVID

Labor crunch could stifle economic rebound, stoke inflation

20 March 2022