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Asia Insight

China-Australia friction intensifies deep in the South Pacific

Tug of war over submarine internet cables carries high security stakes

29 May 2018
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Asia Insight

Asia's war on 'fake news' raises real fears for free speech

Governments walk fine line between fighting rumors and stifling dissent

22 May 2018
Southeast Asian students who are reluctant to move far from home have a growing range of options within the region, such as the Singapore University of Technology and Design.
Asia Insight

US college degrees lose mystique among Asian students

Trump, guns and access to quality education at home affect enrollment patterns

15 May 2018
© Illustration by Luis Mendo
Asia Insight

Japan kicks inefficient work habits as labor crunch worsens

Employers recognize lethally long hours and low productivity hold them back

8 May 2018
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Asia Insight

Chinese tourism spreads benefits and unwanted baggage across Asia

Brisk business, ecosystem damage and political pressure are part of the package

1 May 2018
A new railway connecting Iran's Astara with Azerbaijan, which opened in late March, is a key link along the International North-South Transport Corridor. (© Nikkei montage)
Asia Insight

India and China jostle for influence in Iran and Central Asia

New Delhi's 7,000km transport corridor cuts across Beijing's Belt and Road

24 April 2018
Foreign investment pledges in the Philippines dropped 51.8% in 2017 to the lowest level in 12 years.
Asia Insight

Duterte spooks foreign investors with tax 'sword of Damocles'

Incentives behind the Philippine outsourcing boom hit the chopping block

17 April 2018
A nuclear-powered Russian icebreaker plies the Arctic Ocean, where warmer temperatures are opening new shipping routes.
Asia Insight

China and Russia battle for North Pole supremacy

Melting ice and ample resources spark race with US over Arctic

10 April 2018
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi's plan to help farmers has sparked concerns about higher inflation and deeper inequality. (© Nikkei montage/Source photos by Reuters)
Asia Insight

India's Modi on dangerous ground with big giveaways to farmers

Drive to rescue debt-ridden growers risks destabilizing the economy

3 April 2018
Heavy traffic in Hanoi: Vietnam's infrastructure development plans hinge on public offerings of state-owned enterprises. (Photo by Takaki Kashiwabara)
Asia Insight

Vietnam's most powerful man strives to put stamp on economy

Party chief Trong is vanquishing political foes; can he tackle vested interests?

27 March 2018
(Original pictures by Reuters, Getty Images)
Asia Insight

Singapore seeks another economic miracle maker for next PM

Slower growth raises stakes of succession three years after founding father's death

20 March 2018
The Indonesia Stock Exchange in Jakarta: Emerging Asian markets suffered a net outflow of funds in February. (Photo by Takaki Kashiwabara)
Asia Insight

Asian central banks face white-knuckle steering as Fed tightens

Fund outflows and Chinese debt pose major monetary policy challenges

13 March 2018
Construction workers take a break in Singapore, where migrants make up about a third of the workforce.
Asia Insight

Southeast Asia's vulnerable migrants pose an economic dilemma

Countries struggle to prevent abuse without hindering business

6 March 2018
(Original pictures by Reuters)
Asia Insight

Islamists' growing clout strains Indonesia's democratic pillars

Hard-liners' ability to rally the masses cows politicians into acquiescence

27 February 2018
Laem Chabang's new terminal was scheduled to open in 2028, but now partial operations are to start in July. (Photo by Takaki Kashiwabara)
Asia Insight

Thailand attempts do-or-die leap to a technology-driven economy

Junta courts investment to regain edge on faster-growing neighbors

20 February 2018
Malaysia's former Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad, left, was once a mentor to Prime Minister Najib Razak. (Original pictures by Getty Images, Reuters)
Asia Insight

Malaysia's Najib deploys policy firepower in duel with Mahathir

In election run-up, PM dangles public benefits as his mentor strikes back

13 February 2018
(Original pictures by Reuters)
Asia Insight

China chases oil benchmark to knock US off global perch

Yuan crude futures, 25 years in the making, set to challenge the dollar

6 February 2018
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen chats with a garment worker during a visit to the Phnom Penh Special Economic Zone last August.
Asia Insight

Minimum wage politicking stings employers in Southeast Asia

Rush to woo voters raises the risk of layoffs and factory relocations

30 January 2018
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Asia Insight

Duterte has three words on infrastructure: 'Build, Build, Build'

Philippine leader isn't letting debt fears impede ambitious projects

23 January 2018
(Original picture by Reuters)
Asia Insight

Russia courts Southeast Asian partners with authoritarian streaks

Putin looks to capitalize on wariness of China and the West

16 January 2018
From left: CT Corp. Founder and Chairman Chairul Tanjung, Salim Group Chairman and CEO Anthoni Salim and Lippo Group Chairman Mochtar Riady
Asia Insight

Indonesian tycoons wager with confidence in Widodo's economy

Armed with higher net worth, billionaires are making bolder investments

15 January 2018
This new commercial building in Kepong -- not far from the heart of Kuala Lumpur -- has attracted few tenants due to high rents. (Photo by Shinya Sawai)
Asia Insight

Brisk growth conceals 3 risks for Asia in 2018

Beware of real estate distortions, high debt and sluggish spending

9 January 2018
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Asia Insight

Japanese economy showing signs of exiting deflation

Wage hikes hold the key to higher consumption as growth readies to enter 6th year

2 January 2018
Muslims gather at Jakarta's National Monument on Dec. 2 to mark the anniversary of protests that brought down the capital's ethnic-Chinese Christian governor, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama.
Asia Insight

Indonesia's Islamists create re-election minefield for Widodo

President counters smears with emphasis on Jerusalem and Rohingya

27 December 2017
Indonesian President Joko Widodo speaks to the Nikkei Asian Review in Raja Ampat, in the province of West Papua, on Dec. 22. (Photo by Shinya Sawai)
Asia Insight

Joko Widodo vows to 'fix' Indonesia as political heat rises

Interview offers early hints at the president's possible re-election tactics

25 December 2017