While strengthening deterrence with U.S. President Donald Trump, right, South Korean President Moon Jae-in is tapping more channels to engage his northern neighbor.

Seoul looks to ASEAN amid nuclear crisis

Regional grouping could play key role in securing peace on Korean Peninsula

8 September 2017
The Vietnamese government plans to sell a mere 3.3% stake in Vinamilk, a state-owned company, in October. (Photo by Yumi Kotani)

Vietnam slow to sell off state-owned companies

Observers say government wants to retain veto power

8 September 2017
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Japan looks to spread its customs system in Southeast Asia

Cambodia, Philippines, Laos among possible new adopters in effort to set region's standard

7 September 2017
The flag of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, on the far right, stands with those of the bloc's 10 members.

ASEAN economic ministers move to accelerate trade talks

Discussions to focus on RCEP as states struggle to find common ground

6 September 2017
North Korean islands and ships sailing under Chinese flags are seen from a heavily fortified beach on Yeonpyeong island.

North Korea sanctions let $270m slip through cracks

Southeast Asian nations replaced China as buyers of coal from Pyongyang, UN report to say

6 September 2017
Officials from RCEP members meet in the Japanese city of Kobe on Feb. 27. Negotiations, while ongoing, remain fraught.

RCEP hits snags on continued discord over tariffs

Members to abandon goal of having rival to TPP this year

6 September 2017
The chief TPP negotiator for Japan, Kazuyoshi Umemoto, at left, speaks at a meeting Monday in Australia.

'TPP 11' to freeze drug data protection demanded by US

Remaining members thrashing out details to revive trade pact

31 August 2017
Increased airport charges in Vietnam are to be ploughed back into aviation infrastructure and service improvements.

Vietnam to lift airport charges in October

Proceeds will be invested in upgrading facilities and services

28 August 2017
Vietnamese TV reported on the first public appearance of President Tran Dai Quang in about a month, a meeting with the outgoing Cuban ambassador.

Vietnamese President Quang reappears after 1-month absence

Speculation rife over the health and political standing of No. 2 leader

28 August 2017
Vietnamese President Tran Dai Quang, right, shakes hands with Russian President Vladimir Putin at a June meeting in Moscow, about a month before his last public appearance.

Vietnam president's mysterious absence raising eyebrows

Chief of state's month out of public eye churns political rumor mill

25 August 2017
Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi answers questions from reporters after attending the 24th ASEAN Regional Forum in Manila on Aug. 7.

Editorial: ASEAN's biggest challenge is confronting China

At 50, the bloc must find unity to stand up to Beijing's power plays

24 August 2017
A worker in Kuala Lumpur prepares a car for transport. Minimum wage hikes benefit labor and drive consumption but can scare off foreign employers.

Southeast Asian workers press for big minimum wage hikes

Malaysia, Myanmar unions seek raises of 50% or more as economies heat up

18 August 2017
The Japanese-built Tan Vu-Lach Huyen Bridge provides a vital link between the city of Haiphong and the Lach Huyen port.

Hanoi makes sharp U-turn on Japan-built bridge

Mounting debt may be behind puzzling incident

17 August 2017
DRB-Hicom Group Managing Director Syed Faisal Albar, left, shakes hands with Li Donghui of Zhejiang Geely Holding Group at a signing ceremony on May 24. DRB-Hicom is selling 49.9% of Malaysian automaker Proton to the Chinese company.

For ASEAN, Japan is a key counterbalance to China

China's growing economic influence also poses risks to the 10-nation bloc

14 August 2017
Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, sixth from right, poses with the ASEAN Foreign Ministers during the closing ceremony of the 50th ASEAN Regional Forum summit in Manila on August 8.

Divided ASEAN hands China diplomatic coup

Regional group is fading into irrelevance as the supposed engine of integration

12 August 2017
Massive traffic jams like this are a daily occurrence in Jakarta. (Photo by Ken Kobayashi)

ASEAN is looking good, but now looking up to China and India

Even with solid growth through 2050, region will still be dwarfed by two giants

11 August 2017
A Chinese warship sails in the South China Sea.

Beijing sets the pace in South China Sea talks

ASEAN's calls for a binding dispute-resolution code face pushback from China

10 August 2017
Students wave Vietnamese national flags during a military parade in Ho Chi Minh City in April 2015 as part of the 40th anniversary of the fall of Saigon.

Time for idealism is over in ASEAN

Contradiction is the shared ideal beneath the grouping's multiple systems

10 August 2017
Former Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra speaks to reporters in front of the Supreme Court in Bangkok on Aug. 1. (Photo by Hiroshi Kotani)

In final court appearance, Yingluck appeals to Thai farmers

Former PM defies junta during trial over failed rice subsidy program

10 August 2017
Former PetroVietnam Construction Chairman appeared on state television Aug. 3, saying he had turned himself in at a police station in Hanoi.

Vietnam-Germany relations sour over intrigue in Berlin

Alleged 'Cold War-style' abduction may doom trade deal with EU

9 August 2017
A Chinese warship sails in the South China Sea.

China, at its own pace, sails ASEAN toward a maritime dispute code

Vietnam is main holdout defying its giant neighbor

9 August 2017
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Australia ready to move forward on 'TPP 11': trade minister

Country would like to keep renegotiation to a minimum

9 August 2017
An a erial view of ​Jakarta's ​Sudirman business district ​at sunset​. For half a century, peace has broadly prevailed and prosperity taken hold in many Southeast Asian countries.

At 50, ASEAN is still punching below its weight

A stronger secretariat would help group build on its stability achievements

9 August 2017
Leaders attend the signing ceremony for the ASEAN Community, which includes the ASEAN Economic Community, in Kuala Lumpur in November 2015.

Ever-adaptable ASEAN confronts new tests

After a fruitful 50 years, the bloc is divided by uneven wealth and China's rise

8 August 2017
Signing of Bangkok Declaration, Aug.8, 1967 (Courtesy of ASEAN Secretariat)

ASEAN is more than it may seem

Regional grouping is still relevant after all these years

8 August 2017