Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong speaks to media on April 28. (Photo by Yuichi Nitta)

ASEAN 'deeply concerned' over protectionism: summit statement

Bloc to advance RCEP as 'sign' of commitment to trade liberalization, Singapore PM says

28 April 2018
General Electric's Jeffrey Immelt began reorganizing his company's supply chains, sensing a coming protectionist era as early as two years ago.

US-China trade war threatens Asian supply chains

Rising protectionism endangers region's global manufacturing role

27 April 2018
Drivers for ride-hailing services wait for customers in Jakarta. The expansion of such businesses is pushing ASEAN member states to harmonize their rules.

Rise of digital economy pushes ASEAN toward policy coordination

Grab-Uber merger highlights need for integrated competition rules

26 April 2018
Vietnamese women carry goods imported from China on Bac Luan bridge in Mong Cai city on Vietnam's border with China
FT Confidential Research

Consumers power strong Vietnam growth, FTCR finds

Privatization is crucial for Southeast Asia's top performer

23 April 2018
Delegates from the remaining members of the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) attend the TPP meeting in Tokyo on Nov. 21 in 2017. (Photo by Masayuki Terazawa)

TPP members eager to proceed without Trump, says APEC boss

Bollard warns U.S. re-entry could slow momentum of trade pact

20 April 2018
Cryptocurrency regulators need to strike the right balance between security and technological advance.

Cryptocurrencies need regulation-lite

Asia should lead with rules that hit market abuses but allow innovation

19 April 2018
Boats at a small fishing port along the Tonle Sap River where it meets the Mekong River

China pours $1.7m into development for Mekong countries

Grant aims to boost trade and ease fears of environmental impact of Chinese dams

18 April 2018
People walk past the stock exchange center in Hanoi. Vietnam has been listing stakes in state-owned companies as it seeks to open up its economy.

Vietnam state TV unit drops IPO after drawing just 1 bid

Hanoi's privatization drive suffers setback as investors balk at price

18 April 2018
DATE IMPORTED:December 06, 2016A man pours Sabeco's Saigon beer into a cup at a restaurant in Hanoi, Vietnam December 5, 2016. Picture taken December 5, 2016. REUTERS/Kham

Saigon Beer to appoint new board members representing ThaiBev

Following acquisition, Vietnam brewer proposes to dismiss chairman

16 April 2018
A recent ADB report says, "The anxiety over automation is overblown."

Automation not a threat to Asian workers, says ADB

Chief economist says new trade pacts will offset impact of US-China tariff fight

12 April 2018
Manufacturers concerned about a China-U.S. trade war.
Nikkei PMI

Asian manufacturers less optimistic about output amid trade tensions

March PMI shows rising material costs is another concern

11 April 2018
Trade tensions with the U.S. will hurt exports that are crucial for economic growth of ASEAN member states. (Photo by Keiichiro Aasahara)
Trade war

Southeast Asia feared next on list for US trade sanctions

Thailand's exchange rate policy comes under Washington scrutiny

9 April 2018
Proton cars in Kuala Lumpur: The trade battle may spur Chinese companies to invest more in Southeast Asia, as Geely did with Malaysia's national automaker.
Trade war

US-China trade row spells pain and gains for ASEAN

Spread of 'China plus one' production expected to boost investment in bloc

8 April 2018
Singapore Minister for Finance Heng Swee Keat, who chaired the ASEAN ministerial meeting, said the region is committed to free trade.

Singapore warns on China-US tariff tensions

ASEAN finance ministers reaffirm commitment to open trade

6 April 2018
Can it do your job?

Robots threaten Asian jobs

Automation risks hitting the region's low-skill industrial posts

6 April 2018
China is now the largest market for renewable energy, Amin said.

Green energy chief praises China on renewables

International agency says ASEAN commitment to sector is growing

1 April 2018
Myanmar sees legal casinos as a ticket to higher tax revenue. (Photo by Yuichiro Takagi)

Myanmar's not-so-underground casinos in line for legalization

Formally lifting ban would give officials a bargaining chip with rebels

1 April 2018
Motorbikes clog a street in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. (Photo by Ken Kobayashi)

'New Ho Chi Minh City' projects count on foreign investors

Development exceeding $21bn aims to upgrade Vietnam's commercial hub

30 March 2018
People fish on the Mekong River in Phnom Penh as the sun rises on.
International relations

Japan's Indo-Pacific push galvanizes Mekong region

Ahead of Hanoi summit, regional experts urge more coordination between powers

29 March 2018
Heavy traffic in Hanoi: Vietnam's infrastructure development plans hinge on public offerings of state-owned enterprises. (Photo by Takaki Kashiwabara)
Asia Insight

Vietnam's most powerful man strives to put stamp on economy

Party chief Trong is vanquishing political foes; can he tackle vested interests?

27 March 2018