Mattala Airport, opened in 2013 at a cost of $209 million, has been dubbed the world’s emptiest airport, with just one airline customer. (Photo by Sanjana Hattotuwa)

India and China flex muscles over Sri Lankan hub

New Delhi jostles for airport control after Beijing gains stake in nearby port

6 November 2017
A worker shows gold biscuits at a precious metals refinery in Mumbai.

Nepal takes a central role in China-India gold smuggling

Smuggles take advantage of country's lax enforcement and poor infrastructure

2 November 2017
A street market in Mumbai: India faces widening gender gaps in politics, healthy life expectancy and basic literacy.

India plunges to 108th in gender equality ranking

Asia's big economies slip, with China in 100th place and Japan in 114th

2 November 2017
Gold bars stacked in a safe deposit room.

Nepal takes central role in China-India gold smuggling

Poor infrastructure and lax security blamed for upsurge

16 October 2017
Business and consumer confidence has improved in many countries, but investment demand is still lagging.

Economic breathing space is an opportunity to strengthen resilience

Tougher reforms needed to kick growth into higher gear

8 October 2017
A woman delouses her daughter by their home in a Karachi slum in Pakistan.

World Bank says 64% of people who live in slums are in Asia

Policymakers urged to boost infrastructure, affordable housing and job access

3 October 2017
China's better than expected economic expansion will buoy Asia's growth in 2017.

Global trade, China will buoy Asia's growth to 5.8% in 2018

ADB says latest outlook for the region is 'heartening'

26 September 2017
Bangladesh factory workers make knit products for export. (Courtesy Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association)

Bangladesh's garment industry braces for change

Worries over security rules, trade preferences throw doubt on exports to Europe

8 September 2017
Ships lie at anchor in front of a refinery on Singapore's Bukom Island.

Southeast Asian ports thirst for more seaborne trade

Lack of adequate transport infrastructure crippling region's competitiveness

7 September 2017
Members of the media visit a village in northern Rakhine State on a government-organized visit on Aug. 30. (Photo by Thurein Hla Htway)

Rakhine crisis blights Myanmar economic outlook

Looming 'humanitarian catastrophe' dampens international relations, business sentiment

5 September 2017
Pakistani Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi reviews an honor guard in Islamabad on Aug. 3.

Pakistan's substitute PM pushes ahead with reforms

Progress could help salvage the ruling party's scandal-hit reputation

24 August 2017
Punatshangchhu I, financed by India, is the biggest hydropower project now under development in Bhutan. (Photo by Nidup Gyeltshen)

Bhutan growth soars amid hydropower building boom

Rising debt to India could make country the Greece of South Asia, critics say

17 August 2017
Pakistan's Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi reviews the honour guard in Islamabad, August 3.

Pakistan's new PM charges ahead with reforms

Politically astute Abbasi earns respect, expected to salvage party's fortunes

16 August 2017
Ayesha Aziz Khan, managing director and CEO of Summit Power International

Bangladesh power giant wants $1bn to fund expansion drive

Summit Power up for possible $50m injection from GE, eyes Singapore listing

9 August 2017
Toshiba and Toshiba Plant Systems & Services will supply steam turbines.

Japan consortium to build power station, port in Bangladesh

$4.5bn cost to be covered by JICA's largest-ever yen loan

30 July 2017
A trader observes the day's stock performance at the Pakistan Stock Exchange.

Pakistan's Sharif probe keeps investors wary ahead of verdict

Prolonged market slump expected amid political uncertainty

28 July 2017
A machine operator stitches apparel at a factory in Sri Lanka owned by the Hirdaramani Group. (Courtesy of Hirdaramani Group)

EU boost not enough to revive Sri Lanka garment industry

Sector has fallen well behind rivals such as Bangladesh

24 July 2017
Customers at the Panthapath, Dhaka, outlet of Shwapno, a chain superstore owned by leading conglomerate ACI Group. (Photo by A.Z.M Anas)

Bangladesh tax reform stalls amid tough opposition

Unlike India, Dhaka fails to implement major changes, putting pressure on finances

21 July 2017
Cinnamon peeler Pesthathanthri Sumathipala scraping the outer bark of a cinnamon branch. (Photo by Marwaan Macan-Markar)

Labor shortage hits Sri Lanka's cinnamon industry

Dearth of peelers leaves world's leading exporter with harvest shortfalls

21 June 2017
Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank President Jin Liqun says membership could grow to 85 or 90 within the year.

AIIB future rests on shedding Beijing influence

Bank to hold 2nd annual meeting in South Korea

15 June 2017
The port of Gwadar in Pakistan is one of several infrastructure projects benefiting form investment as part of China's Belt and Road Initiative.

Belt and Road's potential real estate boost

Construction companies stand to win big by signing up now

15 June 2017
Shahriar Alam, Bangladesh's state minister for foreign affairs, speaks during an interview on June 6. (Photo by Mayasuki Kozono)

Bangladesh's Alam: Japanese investment can feed 'new Asian Tiger'

Foreign minister assures investors of Dhaka's progress against terrorism

15 June 2017
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, far left, and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sarif, far right, pose with other leaders at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana on June 9. (Pool)

The SCO welcomes rivals into its fold

Membership for India and Pakistan raises bloc's profile, but may invite friction

15 June 2017
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, far left, and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sarif, far right, pose with other leaders at the Shanghai Cooperation Organization summit in Astana on June 9. (Pool)

The SCO welcomes rivals into its fold

Membership for India and Pakistan raises bloc's profile, but may invite friction

14 June 2017