Narendra Modi has embarked on implementing his party's core political projects and he will continue on this track in 2020.

2020 look ahead: Politics and protectionism to dominate Indian economy

Slowing growth needs corporate kick-start, but Modi only offers distractions

2 January 2020
Vietnamese residents take photos as North Korean leader Kim Jong Un goes past in Hanoi on Feb. 26.

2019 in pictures: Looking back at a year of celebrations, confrontations and more

A selection of striking images from across Asia, and the stories behind them

29 December 2019
A man stands on the back of a vehicle carrying sacks of onions in the ancient Nepalese city of Bhaktapur. India has banned onion exports in response to flooding, forcing Nepal to turn to China for supplies.
18 December 2019
An activist sets on fire an effigy of Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during a protest to express solidarity with the people of Kashmir on International Human Rights Day in Karachi, Pakistan, on Dec. 10.
Kashmir turmoil

Kashmir conflict takes toll on India and Pakistan economies

Business groups step up calls to improve economic ties

14 December 2019
A laborer whose name is excluded from the final list of the NRC stands at a construction site of a detention center in Assam on Sep. 1: the real challenge is what India is going to do with the people who do not make it on to the NRC.

India's citizenship changes are immoral and self-defeating

Making it harder for Muslims to become citizens risks global backlash

13 December 2019
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan has been cheering a brighter economic picture, but high interest rates threaten to put a damper on growth.

Khan boasts of Pakistan's economic revival despite slow demand

Cheap currency reduces current-account deficit, but interest rate stays high

12 December 2019
Port City Colombo, part of China's Belt and Road Initiative, has given Sri Lanka hope that the project will eventually grow into "South Asia's premier residential, retail and business destination." (Photo courtesy of CHEC Port City Colombo)
Belt and Road

China grips Sri Lanka with artificial island off Colombo

Development and legal framework draw 'one country, two systems' comparison

12 December 2019
Aerial view of Shanghai: urban planning cannot simply stop at the city limits.

Asia must rethink its cities to make the most of urbanization

Detailed maps, better transport and affordable homes are vital for growth

11 December 2019
An elephant walks past tourist safari jeeps at Kaudulla national park in Habarana, Sri Lanka, on Aug. 6, 2019.

Sri Lanka awaits winter tourists to revive terror-hit sector

Some flights resume, bringing hope of earlier-than-expected recovery

6 December 2019
© Illustration by Hiroko Oshima/Michael Tsang
Asia Insight

Nepal's territorial flare-ups with India and China test its finesse

Public outcries imperil Himalayan nation's development strategy

3 December 2019
A recent speech by a U.S. diplomat marked the first time a high-ranking U.S. government official had launched a direct and comprehensive attack on CPEC. (Source photo by AP)
Belt and Road

US attack on China's Belt and Road puts Pakistan in tough spot

Islamabad sides with Beijing over CPEC but keeps response measured

28 November 2019
People wait to check if their names are included in the National Register of Citizens at a draft center in Mayoung, India, pictured in July 2018: migration from Bangladesh has become politically explosive in India.

China and India must address causes of migration to stop human traffic

Larger Asian countries are closing their borders, just like West and Gulf states

25 November 2019
India's light combat aircraft Tejas lands at an airbase on the outskirts of New Delhi in October. The fighter is claimed to be a good choice to upgrade Malaysia's air force.

Malaysia considers purchase of Indian jet fighters

Kashmir tensions fail to stymie trade as Kuala Lumpur looks to upgrade air force

24 November 2019
Pakistan's moves to free itself from the current CPEC inertia come as China has turned chilly toward the series of big infrastructure projects. (Nikkeimontage/Reuters/Getty Images)
Belt and Road

Pakistan seeks Iran, Saudi help for Belt and Road projects

Beijing-friendly minister hired as Islamabad scrambles to revive momentum

23 November 2019
Sri Lanka plans a $500 million samurai bond issue, hoping to shore up its depleted foreign reserves and keep its economy ticking over.
International relations

Debt-heavy Sri Lanka seeks Japan's help and prepares samurai bond

Slow growth an obstacle for economy as IMF bailout conditions dent consumption

13 November 2019
Gotabaya Rajapaksa, right in a red shirt, is seen as proxy of his brother Mahinda, left.

Tilt toward China is at stake in Sri Lanka's presidential election

Candidates' foreign policy platforms have sharply different economic consequences

13 November 2019
A railway worker in Karachi: China is becoming wary of pouring more money into projects in economically unstable Pakistan.
Belt and Road

China's mood chills on new Belt and Road projects in Pakistan

Cautious amid economic crisis, Beijing defers oil, gas and steel offers

10 November 2019
Pakistan has sold 16 JF-17 fighters, built with China's help, to Myanmar and three to Nigeria.

With China as its mentor, Pakistan triples arms exports

Islamabad pitches its weapons to budget-minded countries like Turkey and Myanmar

9 November 2019
An aircraft from India's Alliance Air touches down at Jaffna International Airport on Oct. 17. The flight was part of a ceremony inaugurating the country's third international airport. (Photo by Ishara S. Kodikara)
International relations

Sri Lanka plays its India hand with airport upgrade as poll nears

Pro-China opposition decries pork-barrel politics ahead of presidential election

6 November 2019
The talks between representatives of Taliban militants and a number of Afghan political factions in Beijing come as the U.S. has yet to resume peace talks with the Taliban. (Nikkei Montage)
Belt and Road

China to host Afghan rivals in drive to expand Belt and Road

Taliban included in peace talks as Beijing aims to isolate Xinjiang separatists

27 October 2019
Pakistani President Arif-ur-Rehman Alvi speaks to the Nikkei Asian Review in Tokyo. (Photo by Shihoko Nakaoka)

Pakistan president sees Belt and Road as path to poverty relief

Alvi says economy is on mend as money laundering and corruption subside

23 October 2019
Women and children cross a bridge along the Karachi Circular Railway in poor neighborhood in Karachi: Problems obtaining loans for the railway from China has local leaders looking for help from Japan.
Belt and Road

Pakistan's stalled China-backed rail project prompts turn to Japan

Regional leaders show 'buyer's remorse' over cost of Belt and Road loans

19 October 2019
India's bicycle industry has been hit hard by a surge in imports from Sri Lanka and Bangladesh.

India accuses China over influx of cheap bicycles from neighbors

New Delhi probes possible breach of trade deal by Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

17 October 2019
Pakistan's Prime Minister Imran Khan, left, and Chinese Premier Li Keqiang meet in Beijing on Oct. 8. The Pakistani government's decision to set up an agency to push Belt and Road came on the eve of Khan's visit.
Belt and Road

Pakistan's Khan uses special ordinance to push China's Belt and Road

Powerful new agency and tax holiday for Gwadar port operator likely to fuel controversy

13 October 2019
Imran Khan, Prime Minister of Pakistan, is due to speak at China-Pakistan business forum on Tuesday.
Belt and Road

Pakistan's Khan to allay Beijing fears over stalled Belt and Road

Prime minister wants more investment despite mounting CPEC concerns

7 October 2019