The Bank of Japan has already pledged to provide liquidity and ensure market stability in the face of the coronavirus crisis. (Photo by Kei Higuchi) 

BOJ ready to join global central bank response to coronavirus

G-7 finance chiefs to hold teleconference on outbreak later Tuesday

3 March 2020
A woman wears a mask in Bangkok: Thailand has restricted mask exports.

Mask makers contend with new risk in Asia: state intervention

Thailand and China move to secure supplies of coronavirus gear

3 March 2020
A street sign for Wall Street is seen outside the New York Stock Exchange in Manhattan, New York.
29 February 2020
Lower rates in developing countries have pushed investor capital to the U.S.  

Coronavirus shock weighs on global bond yields

Emerging-market rate cuts drive flight to safety in Treasurys

24 February 2020
Britain plans to establish a new presence in Asia, where it used to have significant influence, following its exit from the European Union.

ASEAN in position to make strategic gains from Brexit

UK looks to Indo-Pacific region in redrawing of its foreign policy agenda

23 February 2020
People wait at a crosswalk along the Dongseong-ro shopping street in Daegu, South Korea. The country reported 142 new coronavirus cases on Saturday.
Coronavirus: Free to read

Coronavirus: Week of Feb. 16 to Feb. 22, South Korea cases soar again, to 433

US confirms 34 additional infections and expects more from cruise ship

22 February 2020
A staff member wearing a face mask stands in front of a restaurant on Valentine's Day in Beijing.
15 February 2020
An Adidas logo is pictured inside a shoe. The German company sources 22% of its textiles from Cambodia.
Business trends

Fashion brands weigh Cambodia strategy after EU curbs trade

H&M, Adidas and others assess cost of suspended duty-free access

14 February 2020
Hun Sen is adamant that Cambodia is not going to bow to European demands. (Photo by Akira Kodaka)

Punishing Cambodia is going to backfire on EU

Removing tariff-free access will drive Phnom Penh toward Beijing's orbit

14 February 2020
Women work on a  production line at a shoe factory in Kampong Speu, Cambodia.

Cambodia loses EU tariff privileges on $1bn worth of trade

Southeast Asian nation's top trading partner cites human rights violations

13 February 2020
Bank of Japan Governor Haruhiko Kuroda speaks at a news conference on Jan. 21: it is time for a more urgent vocabulary. (Photo by Kento Awashima)

Why are central banks not responding to coronavirus' economic threat?

It is much better for major countries to react now than wait for worse damage

13 February 2020
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen's human rights record has been criticized by the European Union, which is set to announce its decision Wednesday on removing trade privileges on some Cambodian exports. (Nikkei montage/Reuters)

EU to end privileges on some Cambodia exports: lawmaker

Decision due Wednesday could hurt nation's $9.5bn apparel sector

9 February 2020
Medical staff work in the isolated intensive care unit in a hospital in Wuhan, China on Feb. 6. 
Coronavirus: Free to read

Coronavirus: Week of Feb. 1 to Feb. 8 brings supply chain strain

US citizen dies in Wuhan as impact on business begins to crystallize

8 February 2020
U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson outlines his government's negotiating stance with the European Union after Brexit during a speech in London on Monday.

UK faces long road in 'ambitious' post-Brexit trade push into Asia

Top diplomat visits region, but demands and technical issues may hurt plans

6 February 2020
Cambodia's garment industry employs 750,000 workers. Losing tariff-free access to the EU could threaten some of those jobs. 
Business trends

As EU decision on tariffs looms, Cambodia garment industry gets nervous

Factories hit back at international brands' 'disappointing' criticism of human rights progress

3 February 2020
A doctor puts on protective goggles before entering the isolation ward at a hospital in Wuhan, China.
Coronavirus: Free to read

Coronavirus: How the outbreak unfolded from Jan. 27 to Feb. 1

As cases surpassed 10,000, countries rushed to fly citizens out of China

1 February 2020
A Union Jack flag on the tag of a mattress in a store in Bangkok: total two-way trade between Britain and ASEAN amounted to more than $48 billion in 2018.

Post-Brexit UK should prioritize Southeast Asia trade deals

London is well-placed to surpass Brussels in relations with ASEAN

30 January 2020
Public discussion about Huawei's role gets stuck between two unhelpful extremes.

Asia must step up tech security as it hands Huawei 5G green light

Governments around world set to follow UK stance on Chinese telecoms giant

29 January 2020
President Xi Jinping will host this year's 17+1 summit in Beijing for China's central and eastern European investment partners, but observers see anti-Chinese sentiment rising among them. 
International relations

Prospects for China money in central and eastern Europe chill

Doubts about Beijing mount as Xi prepares to host 17+1 summit

28 January 2020
The JCER predicts India will become the world's third-largest economy by 2060 as its service sector expands.

China and India to make up one-third of global GDP in 2060: JCER

Emerging giants forecast to approach US and Europe's combined economic might

25 January 2020
Gotabaya Rajapaksa (in red), Sri Lankan president and former wartime defence chief, with his brothers including Mahinda Rajapaksa (left), former president, waves at his supporters in Colombo during the campaign for the November 2019 presidential election.
International relations

Sri Lanka faces EU ire after government breaks UN war obligations

Rajapaksa's stance risks country losing favored trade status with European bloc

25 January 2020
For Qualcomm, once a key supplier to Chinese tech giant Huawei, "it is difficult to make predictions" about the future of the global chip industry. (Source photos from Reuters)
Trade war

Qualcomm president admits no Huawei business in sight

Despite US-China trade truce, Washington turns blind eye to license requests

23 January 2020
The Bank of England, pictured here, is launching a joint research group into digital currencies with European, Japanese and Canadian central banks.

Central banks in Japan and Europe explore digital currencies

Anxiety over Libra and digital yuan prompts joint research

22 January 2020
Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei says the "experience from last year" has given him and his team a renewed sense of determination.
Huawei crackdown

Defiant Huawei founder says US sanctions 'didn't hurt us much'

Ren Zhengfei confident Chinese tech company can weather further setbacks

21 January 2020
The debt-addicted U.S. federal government has a co-dependent -- global investors in a near zero-interest-rate reality.

Yield-hungry Asian investors bankroll US spending binge

Appetite for Treasurys remains firm as yields slip to bottom elsewhere

19 January 2020