Ministers from the 11 Trans-Pacific Partnership member states discuss the trade deal in Danang, Vietnam on Nov. 9.

TPP ministers affirm agreement in principle but no summit

Details to be laid out Saturday at news conference, Japanese minister says

11 November 2017
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at a press briefing at the Government Office in Hanoi on Nov. 8.

'TPP 11' trade pact official agreement still up in the air

Japan PM says Canada not ready to make decision

10 November 2017
Singapore's central business district forms the backdrop for a PSA International port terminal.

11 nations agree in principle on TPP Pacific trade deal

Leaders look to officially rubber stamp deal on Friday

10 November 2017
Ships in the Strait of Singapore (Photo by Ken Kobayashi)

Coming week may determine fate of TPP and shape global trade

Rival RCEP deal also up for discussion in Asian meetings

8 November 2017
Top Japanese trade negotiator Kazuyoshi Umemoto, center, speaks to counterparts from the other remaining TPP signatories in Urayasu, near Tokyo, on Oct. 31.

'TPP 11' negotiators make headway before crucial summit next week

'Consensus' reached on freezing certain provisions, but obstacles remain

1 November 2017
Exiting the TPP 11 would leave New Zealand out of the broader movement toward free trade, a dairy industry body warns.

Tough road ahead for 'TPP 11' even with New Zealand on board

New prime minister's shift eases path, but issues remain on about 50 provisions

31 October 2017
New Zealand's new Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern speaks to a crowd of several hundred people in front of the parliament building in Wellington on Oct. 26.

New Zealand Prime Minister Ardern now keen to ratify TPP

New PM insists deal can be balanced with real estate restrictions

30 October 2017
South Korean Trade Minister Kim Hyun-chong speaks at the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership meeting in Incheon, South Korea on Oct. 24. (Courtesy of South Korean Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy)

RCEP deal unlikely this year: South Korean official

Participants snagged over how much to open their markets in trade pact

27 October 2017
Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono told The Nikkei he hopes to have China and Russia work together more closely with Japan, the U.S. and South Korea on the North Korean threat.

Japan to propose dialogue with US, India and Australia

Foreign Minister Kono sees Japan playing key freedom of navigation role

26 October 2017
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New Zealand will not withdraw from TPP, trade rep says

Petersen 'confident' incoming PM feels no need to scrap the deal

25 October 2017
BHP Billiton owns more than half of Chile's Escondida, the world's largest copper mine.

BHP sees shiny future for copper

Electric cars and economic growth bode well for miner's mainstay businesses

18 October 2017
Coal falling from a conveyer belt onto a stock pile. (Getty Images)

India-led Australian megamine goes ahead despite public backlash

Controversial Adani project set to break ground in face of environmental, viability concerns

17 October 2017
Michael Froman, former U.S. trade representative, speaks to the Nikkei Asian Review in Tokyo.

'TPP 11' should preserve all agreed-upon rules: ex-US trade chief

Michael Froman warns of 'risk that the whole thing unravels'

13 October 2017
Australian iron ore prices for export to China have fallen sharply from their summer highs as the country curbs steel output.

Iron ore sinks as market readies for post-congress China

Beijing's aggressive curbing of steel production spooks speculators

13 October 2017
Tokyo scored high in the categories of accessibility and cultural interaction, in the Mori Memorial Foundation's Global Power City Index 2017.

Tokyo, Singapore, Seoul among world's most 'magnetic' cities

Hong Kong also a top 10 metropolis in drawing creative types

12 October 2017
Toyota Motor ended its car making in Australia on Oct. 3. (Photo courtesy of Toyota)

Car manufacturing reaches end of the road in Australia

Free trade deals to boost agricultural exports had harsh consequences for autos

9 October 2017
Business and consumer confidence has improved in many countries, but investment demand is still lagging.

Economic breathing space is an opportunity to strengthen resilience

Tougher reforms needed to kick growth into higher gear

8 October 2017
Mixt Chief Executive David Hughes, right, works with staff on an augmented reality project. (Photo by David Brooks)

New Zealand's technology industry boots up

Sector could be damaged if inconclusive election leads to immigration controls

2 October 2017
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'TPP 11' talks set parameters for moving forward

Suspending rules on state-owned enterprises among sticking points

23 September 2017
Labour Party leader Jacinda Ardern, left, faces off with National Party leader and Prime Minister Bill English, right, in a debate on Sept. 20.

As NZ goes to the polls, will TPP be dealt another blow?

In the close contest for power, property prices come to the fore

22 September 2017
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Biggest Asian workforces underprepared for digital future: survey

China, India, Indonesia rank low in education benchmark for tomorrow's skills

20 September 2017
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Surging imports mean lean times for Japan's beef producers

Tariffs on US meat little help as buyers switch to other foreign suppliers

14 September 2017
Immigration from Asia is paying economic dividends in Australia.

Immigration, exports hand Australia 26th recession-free year

Economic diversification, rising population support steady growth

7 September 2017
Officials from RCEP members meet in the Japanese city of Kobe on Feb. 27. Negotiations, while ongoing, remain fraught.

RCEP hits snags on continued discord over tariffs

Members to abandon goal of having rival to TPP this year

6 September 2017